Need personal help?

Coaching for special needs

To stay connected, we help a limited number of personal clients with special needs.

Ovwerweight woman smiling with pizza in hand

For adults

Weight loss without dieting


If you have been suffering from obesity and no diet method seems to be working for you, we will work with you to develop a personalized daily eating routine that will keep your body and soul stable. We will show you how to avoid overeating and binge eating throughout the day.

Stress eating

We will assist you in identifying when it feels good to eat in your daily life, when stress levels rise, and what constitutes good emotional eating or stress eating. We help in taming, rather than eliminating, snacking because food is an important source of pleasure.

For children and teens

Obese kids and picky eaters

Childhood obesity

We assist children and adolescents in coming to terms with their bodies and eating habits. Our experience cards help them solve daily challenges at school and at home in a fun and engaging way, allowing them to eat less. We help parents and children divide responsibility for good nutrition in order to reduce dinnertime conflicts. If your child is under the age of 13, only you can effect change.

Picky eating

With the help of nodiet experience cards, we inspire you to experiment with new food ideas and food games that are appropriate for your picky eater child's taste and personality. We encourage you to persevere, even if the only progress you notice is tasting and spitting out a new food. We do not usually talk more than once a month because we know that picky eating only gets better with time.

For children and teens

Mother trying to tell child to avoid overeating sweets
young athlete on running track after preworkout meal

For young and adult athletes

Flexible sports nutrition

Top performance

We will teach you how to time your meals to fit in with the daily variations of your training schedule, job, or school, as opposed to forcing you to stick to a strict meal plan. You will learn which dietary goals to prioritize without overstuffing your attention. You will discover more about how different meals affect you personally and what to eat post-workout or in preparation for a big game. We record the skill set you develop so you can use it to your advantage for many years to come in your sporting career.

Weight class goals

Rapid weight loss to drop into a weight class via starving or dehydration is not optimal sports nutrition. We will teach you new techniques for weight cycling that demand less effort but produce greater results since they are in tune with your body and your social life. You can prevent weight-rebounds during the off-season by doing this. When you want to overwork your body by participating in too many tournaments, cutting back on your diet, or gaining weight too soon, we will hold you back.

What they say

Success stories from Nodiet XP clients

300+ long-term cases for eating better, losing weight, stress eating, emotional eating and sports nutrition.

Before and after photo of extreme weight loss of Alexander with NodietXP

"It was strange standing in a regular clothing store and realizing I wasn't the biggest person in the room.”

AlexanderWeight loss from 360lbs to 210lbs
Professional hockey player playing on the field after body recomposition with Nodiet XP

“I wouldn't be given a dietary plan, but the foods I enjoyed would be changed into something that fitted into an athlete's meal or was nutritious."

MarkAthlete success story of fat loss and 200kg squat record
bloating success story face image of Laszlo

„I no longer had the issue I used to have with daily or hourly bloating."

LaszloBloating success story
Nodiet XP young athlete success story of weight loss and how to quit eating sweets

„I stopped worrying, and I no longer believed I couldn’t eat chocolate. We kept that “one handful of sweets” rule."

KendeYouth athlete weight loss success story
Susanna standing with her dog and happy with her weight loss success story

"My NodietXP flexible meal plan was much easier to stick to [...] we based it on foods I already ate, the changes were minimal."

SusannaWeight loss of 15lbs in 4 months
Find out

How coaching works

Book a first call

Receive a weekly game plan for all your meals and special life scenarios (stress, family weekends etc.) in a 90-min videocall.

Consult every 2-4 weeks

Experiment and talk with us every 2-4 weeks as needed. Get personalized advice and implement changes in your own pace.

Pay on a per minute basis

Pay for only the minutes you use. Invest as much time and money as you wish. Calls last 20-40min on average.

Optional: mix it up with cards

Get a subscription for our experience cards and receive further coaching to get a personalized service at an economic price.

Our business model:

1. Try our service at a 50% discount on your first call.

2. Pay by the minute for later calls.

Start with

Your first videocall

90-min videocall

  • 1. We talk about your diet history
  • 2. We discuss all your goals and needs
  • 3. You tell us what what you eat nowadays
  • 4. We change your eating routine together
  • 5. You get a documented so you can started right away
Continue with

Follow-up calls paid by the minute

For individuals

  • Experiences for all weekly meals
  • For adults, teens and seniors
  • Individual videocall sessions

For pairs

$3/minute / pair
  • Experiences for all weekly meals
  • For adults, teens and seniors
  • Videocall session with 2 persons

For families

  • Experiences for each family member for the whole week
  • For families with small children or teens
  • Videocall session for the whole family
Who will help you?

People who dealt with the same

Our team members have dealt with similar challenges in their lives and can help you from firsthand experience.

Balázs Tóth
Founder, psychologist, clinical researcher

Energetic, hopeful and bit of a feeler, I want eating to be humane and enjoyable for everyone, and make our team a good place to be. To prepare, I studied, worked, and researched for over 20 years.

Tried all shapes and sizes

After being an obese child, a thin preteen, and a teen amateur bodybuilder, I was tired of dieting. When I was 15, I began reading scientific articles on PubMed and developed my own dietary method when I was 22.

Research, clients and book

I studied psychology and, as part of my PhD in clinical medicine, developed and researched an earlier version NodietXP on obese children in Hungary. I am currently working on my dissertation. For nearly 10 years, I have been helping adults, children, and families in losing weight and changing their diet. I also co-wrote a book on cultural evolution to help people understand culture and genetics better.

Why I started

I have felt for a long time that NodietXP is bigger than I can represent. I am grateful to all of the wonderful people who came together because I know we have changed it for the better. Every day, this inspires and humbles me.

Sign up for coaching

Tell us about your story and goals

We welcome your requests via email and try to get to back to you as soon as possible.

Write an email

[email protected]

Fill in the form below

    More for athletes

    Want talent support?

    We work in collaboration with "The Agent" International Sports Talent Agency to support professional athletes and youth athletes.

    The Agent Sports Talent Agency logo

    For professional athletes, the agency provides representation for athletes, team searches, negotiations during transfer periods, the preparation and organising of foreign test matches with included health services and language lessons. We also provide financial, investment, insurance and legal advice, PR and marketing services along with sponsor searches.